Among the various methods and techniques for enlarging the penis, an exercise system called jelqing stands out. Information about this method has come to us since ancient times.
How effective is this technique and how to perform jelqing correctly?
The essence of the jelqing technique to enlarge the penis
The Jelqing technique is a natural method of increasing the size of the penis by squeezing and stroking it. With the help of such manipulations, blood circulation improves and at the same time the length and width of the male genital organ increase. This method has supporters and opponents.
This is interesting.There is a theory that jelqing originates in the ancient Middle East, which is why these exercises are also called the Arabic technique. Translated, the word "jelqing" literally means "milking".
The essence of this procedure is to massage the penis with your thumb and forefinger, simultaneously pressing on the blood vessels. Improved blood circulation saturates the penis with blood and stimulates its increase in volume.
Benefits and harms
Like any other technique, jelqing has several advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages of this penis enlargement method include:
- Actual increase in penis size (in relation to length and thickness).
- If the movements are carried out correctly, improved blood circulation increases the quality of a man's erection.
- Jelqing is an excellent prevention of blood stagnation in the phallus area.
Correctly performed jelqing is the key to successfully increasing penis length. Lack of practice can do much more harm than good. Side effects resulting from an incorrectly performed procedure include:
- Damage to blood vessels. This condition leads to the additional formation of a capillary network, bruising and hemorrhages.
- The presence of a prolonged feeling of discomfort in the penis area.
- Muscle tissue strains.
- Swelling and redness.
- Internal or external trauma to the penis.
- Deformation of the genital organ, noted at the end of the course. In this case, the erect penis takes on an atypical or disproportionate shape.
The main contraindication to jelqing is problems with the cardiovascular system.
Advice.Guidelines for proper jelqing can be found on the Internet. The most effective way is to watch video tutorials that describe step-by-step actions or focus on detailed images and diagrams.
Exercise techniques
There are several types of jelqing: wet, dry and stretching. In the first case, water is used during exercises, in the second and third cases - no.
Regardless of the type of technique chosen, all movements performed are a kind of preparation of the penis for subsequent basic manipulations. In other words, both wet and dry jelqing can be compared to warming up before the main load.
Wet Jelqing
Most often carried out under a running shower. It is recommended to use hot water (but not scalding! ) and a cloth. Filled with water, it surrounds the penis and heats it. The process must be repeated until the liquid in the towel cools down (several times for 25-30 seconds) until the penis heats up adequately (characteristic heat waves will be felt).
Another option is to warm up the muscles with a special gel, lubricant or cream.
Any water or oil based product is suitable. In this case, the product should not be absorbed too quickly (massage oil is fine). A small amount of lubricant is distributed into the palm of the hand and then rubbed into the penis with gentle massaging movements. The penis at the base is wrapped around a closed thumb and index finger ring. The ring compresses and slides effortlessly onto the head of the penis. Movements must be rhythmic and performed alternately with both hands (100 approaches with each limb).
Dry Jelqing
This jelqing technique is performed in a similar way to wet jelqing, with the only difference being that dry jelqing does not involve the use of lubricant. It consists of a massage with your fingers on the penis. In this case, the penis is grasped at the base so that the thumb is on one side and the rest on the other. Next, you should start lifting your fingers (the movement is done with a slight increase). When you reach the head, you need to turn your hand and gently point it downwards. These massage movements are performed for at least 15-20 seconds. After several exercises, the intensity of movements should be changed: the hand should move smoothly up, down - with intensification.
Advice.Professionals and men with experience in jelqing say that you should first master the wet technique and only then move on to the dry one.
Stretch jelq
In this case, the work is done with both hands. With one palm, hold the head from behind, pulling it slightly. The other hand holds the base of the penis. Only the second hand is involved in additional movements (it moves up with slight pressure), and the one on the head remains motionless. Reaching the head, the hands change and the movements are made alternately with the left and right hands. Movements can be done wet or dry.
Training program
There are several types of jelqing exercises. However, not all are suitable for beginners. Most movements made by an inexperienced and unprepared user can cause injuries, as the condition of the penis is not controlled. Please note that some of the exercises are intended exclusively for users who are experienced in terms of jelqing.
The basic program for natural penis enlargement involves initially working with an extender for about six months, then additional exercises to increase the volume (milking, etc. ).
Therefore, a beginner's program may involve 2 options: using an extender or using exclusively manual stretching.
Exercises before using an extender
Include the following set of exercises:
- Heating the penis tissues – 5 minutes (procedure with cloth and warm water). An alternative is to wrap the penis in a cotton bag preheated in the oven or microwave. You can also use a special warming cream. This product heats tissues faster than a towel and washcloth and can also be used as a lubricant during jelqing. In other words, the tissues warm up before exercise and during all subsequent exercises, which gives positive results.
Attention!Only the penis should be heated, not the scrotum. The warming procedure lasts at least 5, but no more than 10 minutes.
- Stretching - about 5 minutes. With your thumb and forefinger, hold the area just below your head in a ring (palms facing down). Gradually stretch towards the base. The stretch is then increased by adding another hand. The penis must be held straight for a period of 10 to 30 seconds. In total, you should do 10 approaches of 30 seconds each.
Manual stretches
The method consists of three steps:
- Basic penis warming.
- Using the jelqing technique. The penis is pre-treated with lubricant (best absorbed slowly). The slightly erect organ is picked up by the base with the right hand. Gradually strengthening the grip, the limb moves towards the head. Once at this point, you must grab the penis with your right hand. This alternating movement should be performed for about 10 minutes. Actions must certainly be careful and gentle to avoid injury to the penis. We must not forget that jelqing is not aimed at ejaculation, but at training the muscles of the penis.
- Basic heating.
Combining the jelqing technique with other penis enlargement techniques
If no increase is seen within 2 months of starting jelqing, you should combine the exercises with additional techniques.

The combination of jelqing with Kegel exercises and clamping technology is considered especially effective.
- Performing Kegel exercises helps improve erections and prolong intimacy. In addition, this exercise system helps to obtain more vivid impressions of orgasm, making it more intense and memorable. An additional bonus of these activities is the prevention of the development of urinary incontinence and other similar problems, especially relevant in old age. The essence of Kegel gymnastics is to tense the pelvic muscles. The easiest and most effective way is to try to hold the stream of urine while urinating. The muscles involved in this process are subject to additional training (contraction and contraction must be done independently of the urination process).
- Fixation. An alternative technique that allows you to enlarge your penis and improve the quality of your intimate life. It involves pinching the base of the penis (with your fingers or special tweezers). This method, despite its effectiveness, can cause significant damage to a man's health if the movements are performed incorrectly. For this reason, the clamping technique movements must be carried out after perfect mastery of the technique and strict adherence to the instructions.
Precautions or how to avoid injuries
To prevent possible injuries to the penis, especially when dealing with untrained users, several recommendations must be taken into account:
- You need to make sure that the basic warm-up is successful and that the man's penis is ready for the jelq. This is determined by examining the penis - it should be visibly grown, but still soft. This is a kind of signal after which you can start active exercise.
- A common mistake made by beginners is the desire to perform jelqing even with a full erection. It is important to note that such exercises are effective only with a small degree of erection (40-50%). A low or, on the contrary, very high level of excitement (up to 80%) increases the risk of damage to the penis several times.
- The pressure of both hands on the genital organ must be the same and the stretch must be uniform.
- An important condition is to avoid injury to the penis, and the pressure and pressure must be quite intense.
During exercise, you must carefully monitor the condition of the penis and listen to its sensations. There are several main signs that the load has become excessive:
- Bruises, capillary bleeding. They occur when excessive pressure is applied to the penis during exercise or when there is normal pressure but the exercise is performed for an excessive amount of time. You must find out what the error is and allow the damaged areas to recover.
- Small ulcers and red spots. Usually the result of excessive tension. It is necessary to reduce the effort or shorten the time of fixing the stretched penis.
- Calluses or blisters on the penis. They are also formed as a result of excessive pressure on the genital organ.
- Microcracks and abrasions. They occur due to the skin rubbing against the hand, resulting in irritation, in some cases due to the use of low-quality lubricant. You must wait for the damaged area to heal or purchase a good lubricant.
- Formation of blood clots. It is considered the most dangerous injury. It is not difficult to track them - blood clots can be felt as lumps on the shaft of the penis. In this case, you must immediately stop exercising until the end of therapy. Small blood clots can be treated with blood thinners.
If one of the listed signs is observed during exercises, the entire jelqing program should be reconsidered. If the damage heals slowly (more than 7 days) and severely, you should probably see a doctor.
How often do you need to train to achieve the desired result?
The frequency and duration of jelqing sessions are individual and depend on the man's goals (number of centimeters desired) and the characteristics of his exercise tolerance.
It is best to organize your class schedule as follows:
- 1 month. Classes take place every other day, the body gradually gets used to the load. In this case, you should perform around 100 jelqs per session.
- 2-5 months. Training is carried out for 2 days with a break of 1 day (that is, 2 days after one). The number of movements increases to 200. The pressure must be increased gradually.
- 6 months and beyond. The compression force becomes maximum (however, it should not be brought to the point of painful sensations). The number of movements gradually increases up to 500 times. The frequency of performing the exercises is 2 days every other day or 3 days every other day.
For your information.Particularly impatient men should take into account that no special results should be expected in the first few months of training. The penis will increase slightly and become thicker, but to obtain results of 5-7 cm, the method must be used for at least 3 years.
Reviews from men
As already noted, jelqing has many followers who note positive results after systematic training. Reviews about this technique are mostly positive:
- "I was intrigued by the issue of expanding my farm. For a long time I used various penis enlargement creams that work in conjunction with jelqing. I started training at the age of 18, the length of my penis was about 16 cm. A year passed and after systematic jelqing my "baby" grew - another 2. 5 cm. Sex with this increase really became fresher and brighter. But I think that these exercises need to be done constantly, otherwise the effect will be short-lived . "
- "I've heard about this technique for a long time and I even tried jelqing when I was a teenager. How many centimeters did I gain? No way, because I didn't notice any special results, maybe I did something wrong or not for as long as I should have. It's also possible that it depends a lot of the characteristics of the body - perhaps this method is not suitable for everyone. Personally I wasn't very happy, I imagined everything differently, but I didn't see much benefit from these movements. "
- "I have been doing wet jelqing for about 7 months, I bought a special gel for this procedure. For all this time, the increase was almost 1. 5 cm in length and, as it seemed to me, a little in width. Gradually I switched to I did dry jelqing and continued training for almost six months. We then managed to add another 2 cm and about 1 cm in diameter (measured in an erect state). It was a great achievement, but then I had to leave for a year to work in another country. The work was very tiring, it took up almost all of my time and I had no energy left for regular training. As practice shows, the result of such avoidance was a decrease in the length of the penis by 2 cm, which I gained as a result of dry jelqing. I returned to home, now I have more time, I'm doing my classes regularly again, I hope to catch up on what I lost, let's see if I can do this well after such a long break. "
In matters of penis enlargement, the jelqing technique is especially popular - reviews of these exercises have spread across all thematic forums, noting the great effectiveness of the results. Achieving penis enlargement with this technology must be done carefully and systematically, taking into account all the rules and recommendations. With correct and regular exercise, changes in penis size in terms of length and thickness will not take long.